A Moodle Orientation course is available in your list of courses after logging into MyMtech (外部站点). 这门课程被称为“在线教学”。. Once inside that course, you can click on “How to Use Moodle”.
- 给新在线教师的建议 (外部站点)
戈迪·弗兰德斯著 - More Efficient and Fair Grading Using the Quiz Feature in Moodle (外部站点)
by Julie Hart
New U.S. Department of Education regulations went into effect on July 1, 2021 to distinguish distance education from correspondence courses, 哪些学校有财政援助限制. The main difference between these two modalities is that a distance education course requires regular and substantive interaction between the instructor and the students. This tip sheet defines regular and substantive interaction and provides tips for how to improve teacher-student interaction in your distance education course.
由于我们受到MUS政策的约束,请访问 关于RSI的UMOnline页面 了解更多信息.
- 麻省理工开放课程 (外部站点)
- MITx (外部站点)
- edX (外部站点)
- OpenStax (外部站点)
- Curriki (外部站点)
- OER Commons (外部站点)
- 全球开放教育 (外部站点)
- 生命百科全书 (外部站点)
- 在线教育数据库 (外部站点)
- TED Talks (外部站点)
- 卡内基梅隆大学开放学习计划 (外部站点)
- John Hopkins School of Public Health OpenCourseWare (外部站点)
- 耶鲁公开课程 (外部站点)
- 标准工程无处不在 (外部站点)
- Khan Academy (外部站点)
- 公共科学图书馆 (外部站点)
- 开放大学 (外部站点)
- 知识共享 (外部站点)
Merlot (外部站点)
- Hippocampus (外部站点)
See our efforts to make all online learning accessible to Montana Tech students.
See the different modalities we offer and use the skills checklist to find out if distance learning is right for you.
要访问在线课程,请登录MyMTech 以你的技术证书. Click on the course link in the Learning Portal to access Moodle.
技术支持-周一至周五8:00 - 4:30
In the SSC
Common Questions About Online Learning - Montana Tech
在线课程费用更高吗? In addition to regular fees, online courses usually cost a per credit fee. Check 出勤费用.
我如何找到顾问? 如果你在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的在线课程, you will be assigned an advisor from that program (please contact your advisor by email).
我如何学习Moodle? Moodle入门课程, 学习Moodle, can be found in the list of your courses after logging into MyMtech (外部站点).
In Spring of 2025, Tech will go fully live in Canvas. 为了准备这个, the Center for Academic Innovation is working with the Office of Technology and multiple faculty and staff to offer trainings, support, communication, 并在我们进行的过程中更新. More information is available by following the link below.