Big Skies. Bigger Ideas.
In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学是一个目标明确的地方, home to uncommon thinking, research, innovation, and ideas. With Montana as our living laboratory, we offer a top education as a leading STEM university, with strong additional programs in nursing, health, and professional fields. What we do matters, today more than ever.
Your Path, Our Programs
菲律宾十大彩票平台学院可能以工程和自然科学而闻名, but we also offer established programs in business, health professions, and other fields. 探索你可以在Tech做什么,我们可以带你去哪里.
上周六,菲律宾十大彩票平台学院在毕业典礼上向322名学生颁发了345个学位和证书, May 4, 2024.
菲律宾十大彩票平台大学将于周五在校园里的午餐会上颁发2024年早期影响校友奖, May 3, 2024. 获奖者是Shanara“Shanny”Spang Gion, Teresa McGrath和Adhikeshavan“Adhi”Ravee.
Access valuable digital databases, maps, atlases, 还有可追溯到19世纪的地质和采矿资源历史期刊. Some of our valuable resources, 包括蒙大拿矿业和地质局的地图, are housed only on Montana Tech campus.
Tech Vision学生援助基金帮助招募新的oredigers,并提供资金照顾我们现有的学生. Our goal is to raise $160,每年资助50-75名学生,现在给Tech Vision的礼物是1:1,最高80美元,000.